Prophesy of pendor baggage train
Prophesy of pendor baggage train

prophesy of pendor baggage train prophesy of pendor baggage train prophesy of pendor baggage train prophesy of pendor baggage train

Indicators such as (o-i) and (e-u) mark words in which two vowels do not form a diphthong in normal pronunciation.Ī A N A (letter, musical note) a PREP at, in, on (point in space or time) to (movement) Abbreviations ABBR = abbreviation ADJ = adjective ADV = adverb BR = British English COMP = compound word (verb + noun) CONJ = conjunction DET = determiner INTERJ = interjection N = noun NUM = numeral PL = plural PREF = prefix PRENOM = prenominal (used before a noun) PREP = preposition PREVERB = preverbal (used before a verb) PRON = pronoun SUF = suffix US = American English V = verb VI = intransitive verb VT = transitive verb A printable English–LFN dictionary can be downloaded from the same location. This is a printable copy of the master dictionary held online at. Lingua Franca Nova (LFN) is an auxiliary constructed language created by Dr C George Boeree of Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania.

Prophesy of pendor baggage train